Visiting Cousins in Ohio
Off to Ohio for a long Holiday weekend to spend with family!! Elly Ann is SUPER excited to see her cousin she cant wait to see them and play her heart out!
Definitely a house full in Ohio! Ms Suzie had friends in from Iowa and the cousins stayed over to play all day and night with each other!!
Needless to say everyone had a wonderful time and to top it off The GAMECOCKS Beat GEORGIA and OHIO STATE Won too!!!!!
EA and Lily enjoying Jason's Pumpkin Bread Mix
Playing outside on GrandMa and GrandPa's swingset while the weather was a lil warm............
Due to the cold weather in Ohio the kids played in a tent made with a sheet and a sofa....... Fun Times!
The BIG Kids went out "shooting" and the little kids wanted to be apart of the fun......... they got to wear the "EARS" .......... LOL love this pix
Definitely a house full in Ohio! Ms Suzie had friends in from Iowa and the cousins stayed over to play all day and night with each other!!
Needless to say everyone had a wonderful time and to top it off The GAMECOCKS Beat GEORGIA and OHIO STATE Won too!!!!!
EA and Lily enjoying Jason's Pumpkin Bread Mix
Playing outside on GrandMa and GrandPa's swingset while the weather was a lil warm............
Due to the cold weather in Ohio the kids played in a tent made with a sheet and a sofa....... Fun Times!
The BIG Kids went out "shooting" and the little kids wanted to be apart of the fun......... they got to wear the "EARS" .......... LOL love this pix
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